Mobile phones and Classrooms

I really like what Schon has said here about mobile phones!
It is a really difficult and complicated topic that has a lot of pros and cons. To me, I believe mobile phones should not be used within classrooms and perhaps all students could have monitored school ipads or computers. I believe the only difference between phones and these other devices are that they are able to communicate frequently with friends through texting and videoing. This can become dangerous as students could get up to filming inappropriate things within the classroom, effecting the school, students and the teachers. I believe texting in class can be very distracting and stops the students from learning.
In conclusion, I believe mobile phones are not necessary within a classroom and can become quite dangerous and a big concern within certain situations. However, I do believe monitored computers and ipads could work and be very helpful within a classroom.

Schon Hansen's weblog

Should mobile phones be banned in classrooms?

It’s a hot topic with many views and opinions and debates amongst teachers and pre-service teachers. Similar to Danielle‘s blog and her views on banning smart phones in schools, I believe utilising smart phones and connecting students to technologies they use outside of school can be beneficial in learning. I know there are students out there who use there phones in a wrong way or get distracted during lessons with texts, tweets and Facebook posts, so there needs to be boundaries when they can access their smart phones. But banning mobiles, especially  in schools who don’t have the budget to give all students the opportunity to use ICTs regularly can be disadvantaged, especially as we see technology becoming more widely used in the modern day workplace.

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