Appropriate ICT use in Education

Within today’s lecture one point that really got me thinking is using ICT appropriately within the laws and code of conduct when teaching with these skills. This is an extremely important thing for all teachers to take into consideration and understand, as well as students studying to become a teacher. I found an article titled ‘ICT – Pedagogy Integration in Teacher Training: Application Cases Worldwide’. Which makes some great valuable tips for teachers to properly integrate and use ICT sufficiently and effectively while teaching. As said within the article, ‘ICT can provide more flexible and effective ways for professional development for teachers, improve pre and in service teacher training, and connect teachers to the global teacher community’.

Another statement that has really stuck with me from this article is, ‘teaching is becoming one of the most challenging professions in our society where knowledge is expanding rapidly and modern technologies are demanding teachers to learn how to use these technologies in their teaching’. This is a very strong point and something I have thought hard about and will continue to, teaching comes with much difficulty and consideration from many skills and information and that needs to be understood.
I have attached the article link below if any of you bloggers wish to view it and have a read –

TIP Model in planning for Professional Experience

As professional experience is fast approaching, the thinking and planning process of the experiences is well undergo for me. One model I am looking at to prepare for professional experience is the TIP model shown below. This model asks many questions to consider before starting lesson planning and prac.

What advantage does ICT give?
To me a think ICT is so fast developing and is an extremely important part of everyday life now. It is important for all students to have the knowledge for future learning and work experiences. But what advantage does it give? One question I have started thinking much about.

Organising the learning environment and enabling strategies to work as well as designing ICT integration strategies also has me thinking. I’m eager to find out where my placement is so I can see the ICT situation within the school – do they all have access to computers? is there ICT use limited? All things to think about while I continue to prepare.

Lastly, what worked well and what needs to be improved?
I guess I cant ask this question until I have had the experience myself but for now planning and preparing for all situations is all  can do.

Hope everyone is dog well getting organised for professional experience!

TIP model


TPACK Self-Assessment[1]

Another framework I find really helpful within this course is TPACK. I like this framework as it gets me thinking about technology not just as a skill, but how I can relate it to my teaching and how it can be incorporated within my activities within class to expand student knowledge within ICTs and learning. This also helps me understand myself how to use ICTs in a beneficial way for myself as a teacher to improve my skills and knowledge.

SAMR Model

Another model I used as a resource in my assignment and looked at was the SAMR model which stands for Substituation, Augmentation, modification, Redefinition. What I really liked about this model was transformation which was the modification and redefinition. As seen in the picture it says it tech allows for creation of new tasks. I think this is an important point as it shows that the creation of new learning, allowing students to expand their knowledge even more in different ways with more possibilities.


RAT Framework…

I used this framework in my assessment piece and found it very helpful, especially the amplification which I found to be quite true. Amplification says within this picture ‘Tech increases efficiency and productivity without fundamental change’ meaning the work can still be taught all the same but in a more experienced and better way for the students to understand. Below I have attached a photo of the framework. Im pretty excited to look more into RAT framework and use it as my teaching learning grows especially for practical experience.


Photo Website:

Assignment 2 done!

Just finished assignment 2! This has been my favourite assignment so far this semester, it was different from the same writing essay as many of my others and I love unit planning and coming up with and using my own ideas that I would use if I was teaching! I haven’t been posting as much lately but still be posting a few more blogs shortly.. Hope everyone has done well with assignment 2 and good luck to you all!