RAT Framework…

I used this framework in my assessment piece and found it very helpful, especially the amplification which I found to be quite true. Amplification says within this picture ‘Tech increases efficiency and productivity without fundamental change’ meaning the work can still be taught all the same but in a more experienced and better way for the students to understand. Below I have attached a photo of the framework. Im pretty excited to look more into RAT framework and use it as my teaching learning grows especially for practical experience.


Photo Website: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=RAT+framework&view=detailv2&&&id=06C26E5AF624E37A337E341B3DDE99059EC7195D&selectedIndex=0&ccid=p6vWIR4g&simid=608008881076637432&thid=JN.s03NU3B6vcOqhHEnCbk6Ww&ajaxhist=0

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