TIP Model in planning for Professional Experience

As professional experience is fast approaching, the thinking and planning process of the experiences is well undergo for me. One model I am looking at to prepare for professional experience is the TIP model shown below. This model asks many questions to consider before starting lesson planning and prac.

What advantage does ICT give?
To me a think ICT is so fast developing and is an extremely important part of everyday life now. It is important for all students to have the knowledge for future learning and work experiences. But what advantage does it give? One question I have started thinking much about.

Organising the learning environment and enabling strategies to work as well as designing ICT integration strategies also has me thinking. I’m eager to find out where my placement is so I can see the ICT situation within the school – do they all have access to computers? is there ICT use limited? All things to think about while I continue to prepare.

Lastly, what worked well and what needs to be improved?
I guess I cant ask this question until I have had the experience myself but for now planning and preparing for all situations is all  can do.

Hope everyone is dog well getting organised for professional experience!

TIP modelhttps://blendingict.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/tipadapted.jpg

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